Sunday, September 1, 2013

Celtic ornament vector free the Baptismal

Part of history…

Celtic ornament vector free the BaptismalThe authorities for the Gallican Baptismal Service are the Gothicum and Gallicanum, both of which are incomplete, and a few details in the second Letter of St. Germanus of Paris. The forms given in the Stowe and the Bobbio are to much Romanized to illustrate the Gallican Rite very much. The form given in the Gothicum is the least complete. It consists of:–

“Ad Christianum faciendum.” A Bidding Prayer and collect, with the form of signing on eyes, ears, and nostrils. The Blessing of the font. A Bidding Prayer, a collect, a Contestio (Preface), the infusion of chrism in the form of a cross with a triple insufflation, and an exorcism, which here is in an unusual place. The Baptismal formula “Baptizo te in nomine … in remissionem peccatorum, ut habeas vitam aeternam”. The Chrismation. The formula “Perungo te chrisma sanctitatis” seems to have been mixed up with a form for the bestowal of the white garment, for it goes on “tunicam immortalitatis, quam D.N.J.C. traditam a Patre primus accepit ut eam integram et inlibatam preferas ante tribunal Christi et vivas insaecula saeculorum “. Probably the omission is “… in Nomine”, etc., in the one formula; and “Accipe vestem candidam”, or possibly “Accipe” alone, in the other. Mgr. Duchesne’s suggestion of “a special symbolism, according to which the chrism would be considered as a garment” does not commend itself, for want of a verb to govern “tunicam”. Still there is another formula for the white garment farther on.
Celtic ornament vector free the Baptismal

The Feet Washing. The form here is similar to that in the Gallicanum, the Bobbio, and the Stowe: “Ego te lavo pedes. Sicut D.N.J.C. fecit discipulis suis, tu facias hospitibus et peregrenis ut habeas vitam aeternam”. This ceremony is only found in Gaul, Hispania, and Ireland. At the Council of Elvira in 305 an order was made that it should be performed by clerks and not by priests. This limitation, of which the wording is quite clear, has been unaccountably interpreted to mean that it was then forbidden altogether.

The Vesting with the white garment. This has a form similar to the Roman and Celtic, but not quite the same.

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Celtic ornament vector free the Baptismal

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Celtic ornament vector free the Baptismal

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