Part of history...
St. Agobard in the ninth century mentions that at Lyon there were no canticles except from the Psalms, no hymns written by poets, and no lessons except from Scripture. Mabillon says that though in his day Lyon agreed with Rome in many things, especially in the distribution of the Psalter, and admitted lessons from the Acts of the Saints, there were still no hymns except at Complin, and he mentions a similar rule as to hymns at Vienne. But canon 23 of the Council of Tours (767) allowed the use of the Ambrosian hymns. Though the Psalter of the second recension of St. Jerome, now used in all the churches of the Roman Rite except the Vatican Basilica, is known as the “Gallican”, while the older, a revision of the “Vetus Itala” used now in St. Peter’s at Rome only, is known as the “Roman”, it does not seem that the Gallican Psalter was used even in Gaul until a comparatively later date, though it spread thence over nearly all the West. At present the Mozarabic and Ambrosian Psalters are variants of the “Roman”, with peculiarities of their own.
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Probably the decadence of the Gallican Divine Office was very gradual. In the eighth century tract in Cott. MS. Nero A. II. the “Cursus Gallorum” is distinguished from the “Cursus Romanorum”, the “Cursus Scottorum” and the Ambrosian, all of which seem to have been going on then. The unknown writer, though his opinion is of no value on the origin of the “Cursus”, may well have known about some of these of his own knowledge; but through the seventh century there are indications of a tendency to adopt the Roman or the Monastic “cursus” instead of the Gallican, or to mix them up, a tendency which was resisted at times by provincial councils.
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